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Built for you: Live on-site workplace safety
Maintaining a safe workplace is essential – now, more than ever. Yet, so many businesses are still...
Built for you: Custom reporting at your fingertips
For too long “computerised maintenance management systems” have been nothing more than a digital...
Built for you: Accountability & Transparency for your R+M program
In our analysis on the
8 steps to a successful repairs & maintenance program
, our first, and most...
Built for you: A single source of truth
Whether you manage one site, one hundred, or more – a well-oiled team needs to be working from the...
Saving time with Ticked Off
Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase ‘time is money’ in 1798 in his ‘Advice to a Young Tradesmen’....
New and improved quoting module
Repairs and maintenance often involve organising quotes before works commence. The back and forth...